Back to the Landing Lights Wetland

With the forecast for rain later this week the best thing to do was to head out in the sunshine on Tuesday to have a better look at the Landing Lights Wetland, near Sydney Airport. This very productive site has quite a reputation and it proved a very worthwhile visit.

There were a number of Golden-headed Cisticolas calling and it looked like some nest building was underway.

Also calling was this Australian Reed-Warbler.

A feature of the site is the number of small birds including this Yellow-rumped Thornbill.

The honeyeaters were represented by a number of Brown Honeyeaters and there were also White-plumed Honeyeaters around.

A Yellow Thornbill, difficult to photograph as they prefer to frequent the tops of trees.

Also calling and making the briefest of appearances, the Buff-banded Rail.